Seek Go Create

January 31, 2020 § 1 Comment

A great friend, Tim Winders, has started a great podcast called “Seek Go Create”. Our conversation can be found at the link below. He begins with asking me about the new book “That Will Never Work” (Netflix founding story) and he masterfully helps me share my Silicon Valley experience over the last 30 years with a focus on topics such as “Risk Culture”, the Silicon Valley “underbelly”, my time at Mozilla, and ending with some of my thoughts on Leadership, Teams, Integrity and Trust.

Spotify Podcast:

Apple Podcast

TuneIn Radio: 

Maybe a good “listen” on your next commute?  or simply save it in your podcast library and come back to it.

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§ One Response to Seek Go Create

  • Anonymous says:

    Shout out to Jim and Glori 🙂 Best leader of all time ” Jim Cook” and love the interview. Thank you Tim for inviting Jim…looking forward for 2nd interview….. with love Sofi

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